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"atomyAZA shares the same
Goal with atomy."

Customers’ Success

For atomy, customers are not simply a means to an end, but rather an end in themselves.

The “Cow Philosophy” is a good example of showing our goal about customers’ success.
The motivation behind raising cows is not because of the welfare of the cow itself, but milk as much as possible.
But, on the other hand mother cares for her child without expecting anything in return.
The fundamental goal is the well-being of the child.

In order for our customers to succeed, we must go beyond simply satisfying them.
We must dazzle them, giving it our all to see them succeed.

Through the medium of atomy,
consumers will achieve success and our business partners will establish successful businesses.


Distribution HUB

atomy’s ultimate goal is to become the world’s leading distribution hub.

The hub is the central unit of a distribution network.
atomy will secure absolute competitiveness to reach a position
that connects all the manufacturers and consumers in the world.

We will serve the world with the GSGS (Global Sourcing,
Global Sales) strategy, adopting products
that have absolute quality and absolute pricing, everywhere in the world.


Leading Company

atomy strives to become the Premier Company.

To do so, we have adopted a management philosophy called “Honesty and integrity is the best policy”.
We will always stay the course of providing consumers with good-quality products at affordable prices.

Not only is the company aiming to be a leading company, but its employees are also walking the same path.
We focus on programs that foster human resources, through which employees learn that value is added through being honorable and good-willed with creativity.

  • 3 Cultural Principles of atomy for Aspiring Toward a Top-notch Company beyond First-class
    Principle-oriented culture
    Principle-oriented culture seeks to benefit every constituent of our society.
    Culture of mutual growth and cooperation
    The culture of mutual growth and cooperation is about a company growing together with everybody.
    Culture of sharing
    Lastly, the culture of Sharing is about loving and caring for all people around the world.

We are sure that our three cultures form a solid foundation that will ensure our success for the next 100 years.